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Clay & Sally Dickins

April 11, 1990

When my wife Sally and I started dating back in 1990 some of our fondest memories surrounded Fiesta. We would picnic at the Sunken Gardens watching the dancers under the August Moon, it was a magically time and we still love it to this day. We loved to have an early breakfast at the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning and then walk over to the children’s parade. When we married in 1991, 24 years ago, Sally and I would always look forward to our week of Fiesta.  I joined the Fiesta Board in 1996 and have been part of the Fiesta Family ever since. When I became El Presidente in 2004 we were so excited to ride to ride in the parade and show off our two young children Connor & Sloane.


We could not think of a better time to renew our vows to each  than during Fiesta. To be blessed at the Mission with our Fiesta family will be so special and it will be another memory we will cherish as we continue on our life’s journey together.


Thanks and Viva La Fiesta!

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